Person/SSAN Search. Person Search provides up-to-date information on an applicant’s past addresses and movement patterns based on name and social security account number (SSAN). Person Search provides a report with full name and/or alternate names used by applicant dates at listed addresses, age/date of birth, and available phone information. Person Search is an investigative starting point that provides a more complete background search when combined with additional screening searches.
Social Security Validation includes information on the validity of SSN, other possible names or addresses associated with an SSN, and the state and year of issuance. Additionally, the SSN is matched with the Social Security Administrations Master Death Index to look for numbers of people reported deceased.
The Person Search is a private database search of billions of records from credit bureaus, subscription data, and hundreds of sources. It is an investigative tool used to verify an applicant’s name and potential jurisdictions to search. Employment decisions/adverse actions are not taken based on the results of a Person Search.